Roller Shutters

Roller Shutters

The interior atmosphere is a very important element of life. UNITECH exterior roller shutters systems can not only provide additional protection for your home, but will certainly contribute to creating a unique atmosphere inside.
In an era of construction where the number of glazings in the architectural structure is important, exterior roller shutters are an important element as an addition to home furnishings and offer numerous measurable advantages.
The most important of these include:

Protection against temperature fluctuations

It has been proven many times that equipping windows with roller shutters can significantly contribute to reducing the thermal inertia of a room. In winter, the layer of air remaining between the glass and the lowered blind (the so-called air cushion) acts as an insulator and protects considerably better against heat loss. This significantly reduces heating costs – savings can reach up to 40%. In summer, lowering the roller shutters on windows in rooms with high exposure to solar radiation prevents these rooms from overheating. This effectively solves the problem of cooling them to a comfortable temperature, which also translates into real savings.

Sound insulation

In the case of buildings located in places with a lot of traffic, such as stations, roads, airports, etc., noise protection becomes increasingly important. When lowered, a correctly installed external roller shutter can reduce the level of sounds entering the interior by up to a dozen decibels.

Privacy protection

External roller shutters allow you to effectively protect yourself from unwanted glances from strangers. This solution guarantees a clear separation of the privacy zone and isolation from the outside world.


The important premise for the profile system program also applies to the external roller shutter system. They can be mounted on all UNITECH system window profiles as well as on any other window profile using a special connector.

Wide adaptation possibilities

The variety of shapes and materials used to produce roller shutters offers unlimited possibilities for use (single-family buildings, apartment buildings, commercial facilities, industrial facilities). The wide range of colours of aluminium roller shutters (RAL colour palette) and the ever-growing list of sheets available for PVC roller shutters mean that external roller shutters, regardless of their functional functions, are often also an important decorative element in modern buildings.

Adaptive roller shutters

Top-mounted roller shutters